Turkey for Your Immune System

Turkey breast is a SuperFood, a rich source of low-fat protein with many other benefits. Turkey is rich in zinc, a remarkable nutrient that is present in all tissues of the body. Low levels of zinc in our diets are very common and frequent consumption of turkey could play a role in improving our overall zinc levels. The zinc in turkey is far more bioavailable than zinc in nonmeat sources.
Zinc is critical for a healthy immune system and it also helps promote wound healing and normal cell division. A four ounce serving of turkey breast provides about 20 percent of the daily value for zinc.
Some of our favorite ways to eat turkey:
- A turkey dinner made with fresh roasted turkey breast cooks quickly and goes with all the SuperFood trimmings. Remember to remove the skin after cooking.
- A turkey sandwich on toasted wholegrain bread with spinach leaves, sliced onion and avocado.
- Turkey tacos or burritos using cooked and shredded turkey, stir-fried in extra virgin olive oil with some onions and peppers.
- Turkey slices with a bit of barbeque sauce (love that lycopene!). Take it to work with a little cranberry sauce.
Now that you understand the turkey and immune system connection, make sure to eat plenty of this lean SuperFood.