
Smart Shopping Tips for Buying Yogurt

Shopping Tips for Buying Yogurt

The yogurt section of most supermarkets looks overwhelmed, and so are you when trying to figure out which brand to buy. Much of the decision of which yogurt to buy is subjective and based on taste, but that shouldn’t be the only deciding factor.

Look for clues that the yogurt you’re about to consume has all the benefits of a healthy SuperFood. Here are some tips for buying yogurt and a few things to look for on labels.

  • Choose a low-fat or nonfat variety; you don’t need full fat to get full flavor with a good yogurt.
  •  Avoid artificial colors; the extra chemicals aren’t good for you, and the flavor is more important than a fancy shade of color.
  •  Buy fresh; make sure to check the expiration date on the carton. Yogurt is a perishable item and is most beneficial when it’s fresh.
  • Look for whey protein on the label. Whey protein increases the viability of probiotic bacteria, which keep your gastrointestinal tract nice and healthy.
  • Choose varieties rich in live active cultures; this is probably the most important aspect of a good yogurt. It must have live active cultures for it to be probiotic. Check the label for specific cultures. Remember — the more, the better.
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