Wild Salmon to the Rescue

When it comes to getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, wild salmon is one simple answer. Add it to your routine. Wild salmon is delicious, high in protein and widely available either fresh or in canned form. It’s not only easy to prepare with just a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil or used in place of red meat in pasta sauces, wild salmon is also very high in beneficial omega-3 fatty acids many of us lack in our diets.
If you eat wild salmon or other cold-water fish, like sardines or trout, two to four times a week, while incorporating some of the other recommendations about the use of oils also high in omega-3s and low in omega-6s, you will rebalance the ratio of fatty acids in your body. You will then be on your way to vastly improving your cellular health.
There’s ample evidence that including cold-water fish like wild salmon in your diet will have a positive effect on your short- and long-term health, both bodily and mentally. Also, remember that if you’re feeling depressed, especially during the low-light winter months, research has shown that regular omega-3 intake can boost your mood. There’s no better way to get that dose than through whole foods like wild salmon.