
The Benefits of Yogurt

Some of us eat yogurt because it’s creamy and delicious. Others eat it because they’ve always been told it’s good for them. For those of you who aren’t sure why it’s good for you, here are some tips and links for those of you who want to better educate yourselves about yogurt and the kinds of yogurt that are best for promoting good health.

It is yogurt’s activity in the gastrointestinal tract that argues most conclusively for its inclusion as a SuperFood. A healthy digestive system is critical to good health. Our ability to absorb nutrients from our food depends on our GI health. The probiotics in yogurt, which are in the “live and active cultures,” are what keeps our GI healthy.

Even if we eat the most nutrient-dense foods in the world, if our digestive ability is impaired, we won’t be able to benefit from those foods. As we age, our digestive ability is often diminished. All the more reason to rely on yogurt as a food that will promote and help preserve intestinal health.

For more information on yogurt digestion benefits and more, check out the articles below by clicking:

The Synergy of Pre- and Probiotics

Live Active Cultures in Yogurt & Frozen Yogurt

The Importance of Calcium in Yogurt

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