
Souping: Hollywood’s Latest Health Craze


Folks, just so you know, juicing’s out and souping’s in. Yes, the soup you know is now the latest health trend in eating. And souping diets are on the rise.

An average ‘souping’ diet consists of five to eight soups per day. As high as that number sounds, people are in love with how easy it is ‘to soup’ because it transports well. But don’t think there aren’t opponents to this craze. As it was with juicing, many experts feel that souping is too limiting in terms of nutritional intake. They also don’t believe in detoxing because the body naturally detoxes itself.

So what is the official SuperFoodsRx recommendation about this? We agree that soup and stews can be hearty, nutritious, and filling. We encourage you to eat soup and stew regularly, but we don’t recommend “souping.” Soup itself is not a weight loss secret weapon, but a well-rounded diet high in vegetables, fruits and beans is. Here at SFRX we are not into fad diets, and we think souping is yet another fad. Instead, keep your diet varied, chock full of plants, and you will achieve natural weight loss.




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