
Use Honey as a Frugal, Non-Toxic Way to Care for Your Hair

Honey as Shampoo

If someone said you should stop shampooing your hair, would you believe them?

It may seem unthinkable, with all the flashy advertising from beauty companies promising healthy, lustrous locks, but ditching your shampoo for a more natural alternative does have its benefits.

You may have heard of going “no poo” and, let’s be clear, it has nothing to with your bathroom habits. Going “no poo” actually means  abandoning all the preservatives and chemicals, such as parabens and sodium laureth sulfate,  found in shampoos and using natural ingredients to cleanse your hair.

One of the most popular alternatives is using a SuperFood like honey as a shampoo.  It’s long been touted for stamina, energy and its delectable sweetness, but beauty experts agree that it’s also the secret to having beautiful hair.

Why Use Honey as Shampoo?

Using honey as shampoo is not only budget friendly, quick and easy, it’s also a great way to keep your hair hydrated, shiny and nourished. Honey is naturally antifungal and antibacterial, and also moisturizes, softens, and reduces frizz. It also helps treat dandruff.

Although there won’t be any lather (which might make you feel like your hair isn’t getting clean), not to worry. You don’t need to lather, rinse and repeat to achieve healthy locks.

Honey is actually an emollient, a natural softener that will leave your hair feeling incredibly soft and hydrated. It seals in moisture to protect the hair and scalp, and won’t strip them of their protective oils. As a result, your hair will be less oily because your scalp will stop overcompensating with oil production, or sebum — which often happens when harsh chemicals are used to clean your hair.

You’ll want to use raw, unprocessed honeys if you do choose to go “no poo,” as it contains natural vitamins, enzymes, powerful antioxidants and other important natural nutrients.

If you try it and completely hate it, then no harm – just return back to your previous shampooing ways. But if you love it, then you’ve just found a frugal, natural, non-toxic way to care for your hair.

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