
How to Peel Garlic Without Even Touching It

Here at SuperFoods, we absolutely love garlic (even the smell), but there are certain days when you have places to go, people to see, etcetera, and the smell of garlic on your hands after cooking is not so desirable. And remember: Sometimes, the scent can linger for up to three days! Nobody has time for that!

Most of us foodies already know a trick to peeling garlic cloves without really getting our hands dirty, so to speak: Use the flat part of the knife to press down on each clove until the garlic pokes out. The problem with this hack is that you still have to touch the garlic a little to wrestle it out of its husk. Now we’ve finally learned how to peel garlic without touching it at all!

All you have to do is put a bulb of garlic in to a glass jar, shake it vigorously and voila!

Now, you can peel as much garlic as you desire without ever touching it. And you can attend that dinner or function later without smelling like an Italian restaurant.

Be sure to give this trick a try as soon as a recipe calls for garlic.

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