How Nutritious Are Persimmons?
This orange fruit has been gaining more of a grocery store presence in the past few years, particularly around the winter holidays. But what about the nutrition content? Are persimmons any good for us?
There are several types of persimmon — the most commonly encountered in the US are the Hachiya and Fuyu varieties. The Hachiya, also known as a Japanese persimmon, is slightly conical in shape, and you know it’s ripe when super mushy; you scoop out the custard-like insides and eat it with a spoon, just like you would pudding. Fuyu persimmons are shorter and squatter than the Hachiya, and they are ripe when hard like an apple. You can eat the skin, no peeling necessary.
There’s quite a bit of nutrition packed into one little persimmon. We don’t usually think of fruit as being a source of protein, but one persimmon has 1 gram. That’s not much, but still, nothing to disregard. Persimmons pack a more impressive punch of fiber, a hearty 6 grams in just one persimmon. Plus, they are an excellent source of beneficial vitamin A and carotenoids. They also contain vitamins C, B6 and E, and smaller yet significant amounts of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorous.
Do your body good by eating some persimmons when they’re in season. We like them sliced and eaten raw or chopped and sprinkled over a steaming bowl of old fashioned oatmeal. You could also experiment with making persimmon muffins, or tossing them in with your salad greens.
Source: USDA