
Healthy Traveling SuperFoodsRx Style

healthy traveling

Do you have a big summer vacation planned? While trips are fun, they can involve hours in airport terminals and really long airplane and car rides!

The temptations that exist when traveling are huge. We know all about the giant muffins and venti beverages at the airport coffee kiosk, the greasy pizza at the food court, the king-size candy bars at the magazine stand (not to mention the one-pound bag of M&Ms!), and those in-flight snack boxes and potato chips. The list of bad snacks and food options goes on and on. They’re mostly the high calorie, low-nutrient foods that are the opposite of what all of us in the SuperFoodsRx family know is good for us.

When we travel, we’re all a little more stressed, our immune systems are a little more taxed, and we’re always a little shy of the recommended amount of sleep. Let’s not compound the problem by depriving our bodies of crucial nutrients in the SuperFoods.

So, here are some simple tips for healthy traveling.

Tip #1 – Plan a little better.
The night before you leave, get your packing done early and get a good night’s rest. Lack of sleep adds stresses to your system, and makes temptation easier.

Tip #2 – Put together a SuperFoodsRx snack bag.
Into this goes a few homemade muffins, fresh blueberries, small carrots, trail mix, dry cereal and a couple of healthy snack bars. I also pack a few treats, including fig cookies and 72% dark chocolate bars. Don’t forget to pack a bunch of napkins and hand-wipes.

Tip#3 – Pick up some bottles of water after you pass through security.
Proper hydration is really important. Some airports are even letting you fill up your own water bottles at free filter stations, so bring an empty bottle along and hydrate for free!

Traveling has become a bit of an ordeal but with some planning, you and your family can keep energized, hydrated and healthy so you arrive at your destination ready for fun.

Healthy Traveling – In Style

If you are lucky to be traveling to a location where there is a Westin Hotel, you’re in SuperFoodsRx luck. The Westin Hotel Group also knows the importance of healthy eating when traveling, and they take the health and wellness of their guests very seriously. They’re the only hotel chain that offers special SuperFoodsRx meals and snacks at their hotels around the world.

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