The Health Benefits of Wheat Germ
I grew up eating wheat germ and using it is one of the easiest ways to increase your intake of whole grains. Wheat is one of the oldest harvested grains and was first cultivated about six thousand years ago. Wheat germ is the embryo of the wheat berry (a wheat kernel that has not been heated, milled, or polished), and it’s packed with nutrition.
The Amazing Health Benefits of Wheat Germ Defined
Two tablespoons at only 52 calories, have 4 grains of protein, 2 grams of fiber, 41 micrograms of folate, a third of the RDA (recommended daily allowance) of vitamin E, along with high levels of thiamine, manganese, selenium, vitamin B6, and potassium together with reasonable levels of iron and zinc. Wheat germ, like flaxseed, is also one of the few sources of plant-derived omega-3 fatty acids. Just 2 tablespoons—the serving size of wheat germ – of Kretschmer toasted wheat germ have 100 milligrams of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids
Wheat germ contains phytosterols that play a role in reducing cholesterol absorption. A recent clinical trial reported that slightly less than 6 tablespoons of wheat germ per day caused a 42.8 percent reduction in cholesterol absorption among the human volunteers in the’ study.
How Much Wheat Germ Should You Eat?
Sprinkle wheat germ on yogurt or on cold cereal or hot oatmeal. Add it into pancake and muffin mix and into quick breads. When you think that only 2 tablespoons of wheat germ can significantly boost your day’s nutrition, why not keep a jar of it in the fridge.
Before we make a case for the truly impressive health-promoting abilities of whole grains, I’d like to clear up some confusion that may have unfortunately encouraged you to avoid whole grain foods in the past and/or conversely might be encouraging you to buy the wrong “whole grain” foods, which are of little nutritional value.
Few issues in the diet and nutrition wars are more confusing than carbohydrates. Low-carb diets have increased the confusion: they’ve drawn attention to carbohydrates, but unfortunately have oversimplified the issue of protein versus carbs. Many people have come to believe that carbs equal weight gain and are bad. Foods are now being labeled with banners that claim “no-carb” or “carb-free.” Consumers trying to lose weight are being told that eating carbs will destroy any hope of weight loss. What’s been lost in this battle, at least for many consumers, is the fact that, like fats and protein, not all carbs are created equal.
Carbohydrates are found in a vast array of foods, from table sugar to vegetables, beans, and whole grains. A teaspoon of sugar is a carb. So is a slice of whole grain bread. You can guess which is better for you, but you may not know precisely why. Not only are whole grain carbohydrates good for you, they also are absolutely critical in your quest for lifelong health.