Google Can Now Count Calories in Your Food Photos
We’ve all done it : Instagramed the feast we’re about to devour because it’s just so darn pretty that we have to share it. Now Google has created an app called Im2Calories, which can track the calories in that photo-shoot worthy meal (like it or not). Google unveiled this new app in a technology conference last week, even though the project is not yet complete. For many who like to keep track of their calories, getting that information is just a snapshot away.
Im2Calories relies on image-processing technology that identifes the food in your photos. By analyzing the pixels, the app will estimate how many calories you’re about to eat. It bases the information on publicly available nutrition labels.
Because the app is new, it’s not exactly perfect yet, but Google vows that it will get better over time and with more usage. With more data over time, the app will get smarter and learn to distinguish blueberry pancakes from chocolate chip pancakes. If it’s wrong, Google will allow you to change the name of what you’ve tagged.
Google’s goal is to make calorie tracking easier by piggybacking off something you already do — snap and share pictures of what’s on your plate.
Sounds like another way to keep you on a diet, if you ask us!