Apples – SuperFood – Overview

An apple a day is the most delicious prescription. Apples are a powerful source of antioxidants, including polyphenols, flavonoids, and vitamin C. They are also full of fiber and potassium. There are only 47 calories in an average size apple.
It is important to eat the skin of an apple to obtain the full health benefits. The secret behind this SuperFood’s antioxidant capacity lies in its skin. The apple skin alone provides two to six times the antioxidant activity of the apple flesh alone.
It is important to eat a wide variety of apples to ensure that a balance of all antioxidant agents is maintained. There are many different varieties of apples, and each has its own unique skin color. Along with differences in skin color come differences in chemical make-up, as the phytonutrient content varies in concentration and types of polyphenols present in each apple. For instance, in the United States, Fuji apples have the highest total phenilic and total flavonoid content.
One large apple also has 5.7 grams of fiber, which is 30 percent of the minimum amount of daily fiber intake, as listed by the daily values (DV). Diets high in fiber have been highly correlated with a reduction in risk of developing heart disease. The apple has also been linked to the prevention of lung cancer, improved pulmonary (lung) function, and the prevention of type II diabetes.
So eat an apple a day, and it may really keep the doctor away.