Alzheimer’s and Omega-3s: The Brain Food Connection
What’s the connection between Alzheimer’s and omega-3 fatty acids? It’s rather simple, actually.
One of the most important nutrients found in our brain cells is the essential fatty acid, DHA. This omega-3 fatty acid, found almost exclusively in fish and fish oil supplements, has been shown in research studies to improve blood flow to the brain, facilitate communication between brain cells and protect nerve tissue from free radical damage.
A study published in the Archives of Neurology found that persons who ate fish at least once a week for four years had a 60 percent lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease than those who rarely, or never, ate fish. This study supports the findings of two earlier studies that found a relationship between fish consumption and reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease.Nutrition experts have long been advising people to increase their intake of omega-3 fatty acids for their cardiovascular benefits. This study reminds us that the health benefits of omega-3s extend far beyond cardiovascular health.
While frequent consumers of fish should not find it difficult to obtain adequate amounts of omega-3s in their diets, people who do not regularly consume fish should consider getting additional omega-3s in the form of a fish oil supplement.
Worried about fishy burps? Most high-quality supplements these days have properties that help prevent it from happening, or reduce the occurrence of it happening. Check out online reviews to see which ones other consumers like best.