5 SuperFoods for Better Poo
The art of pooping comes with its good and bad moments. Let’s face it, we’ve all gotta do it and it isn’t always enjoyable. When things are flowing easily, there’s a reason — and vice versa.
To keep your bowel regular and maintain your overall health, it’s important to take in an adequate amount of fiber. We recommend men take in 45 grams and women 32 grams. The secret to hitting this goal is to take in the right mix of SuperFoods.
SuperFoods for a Happy Bowel
1. Whole Fruits
Rather than throwing a bunch of fruit into a juicer, it’s best to eat whole fruit. You can never get enough apples, blueberries, kiwis, oranges, pears, and pomegranates into your regular diet. When you eat them whole, your fiber intake increases nicely.
2. Whole Grain Cereals
Try adding whole grain cereals to your daily routine. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to add oat bran, wheat germ, what bran, or flaxseed meal to your favorite cereal.
3. Raw Vegetables
Snack on raw veggies throughout the day. Enjoy a mix of broccoli, celery, carrots, green beans, cucumbers, and any other that you enjoy.
4. Leafy Greens
Consume leafy vegetables like spinach, Swiss chard, and collard greens. Â By adding greens to your diet with most meals, you’ll be well on your way to a happy bowel.
5. Beans Instead of Meat
Beans are protein rich and extremely beneficial for your intestines due, in part, to their fiber content. Eating large quantities of meat can cause constipation. So while eating meat is okay, substituting beans in as a protein source now and then can deliver positive results.
Final Thoughts
A bonus to following the above tips is that a diet high in fiber can also help decrease calorie intake, reduce blood sugar levels, and promote weight loss. Water is also important to having healthy poop. Without enough of it in your daily diet, things can get blocked up, leaving you feeling down in the dumps… pun intended.